Gabriel Kerr
Hello, I am Gabriel Kerr. I write/play games.Â
Também em português!
Adventures and accessories for the classic game

The Twilight Path
"A world beyond our own, very much like it, but darker. Some say it’s the place where bad things come from. Others will tell you that it is the opposite: that’s where they end up being punished. That’s where I need you to take him!"
The Twilight Path is a mini-campaign for a group of four to five 5th level adventurers using the 5th edition rules. The party should level up from 5th to 7th level during the course of the adventure. It will likely take between 1 and 4 sessions to complete (from 5 to 12 hours), depending on the choices made and the result of the dice. The party is hired to escort an old noble through the Shadowfell to the Court of the Raven Queen where he’ll meet his destiny.

Queen's Hoard Expanded
Queen's Hoard Expanded is a 5e supplement that provides a series of encounters and events that will enrich the experience of your players when playing Hoard of the Dragon Queen.
What's included? A beautifully laid-out 30-page PDF containing stunning artwork and:
20 encounters
1 new stat block
5 unique maps, 30 total with different versions that include grid or gridless and light or dark versions

Corruption Begone!
Cities of Myth: Corruption Begone is a tier 1 one-shot adventure set in the Fallen Camelot world. In this adventure, the Explorers are tasked with helping a village feeling the effects of aberrant corruption, a unique Cities of Myth mechanic that gives a post-apocalyptic feel to the world. Crops have started wilting, skies are darkening, and spellcasting is starting to fail.

Mystery at Cloudhost
A series of unfortunate events wreak havoc in the small village of Cloudhost. From strange noises at night to temporary madness, from painful nightmares to freak accidents in the local temple, everything is going wrong and the people believe the city is cursed. Who is behind these events? Are they natural or magical? Discover the secret of Cloudhost with your party!
Authoral games and expansions

Velouria Companion
Velouria is a place unlike others. This is not your typical adventure fantasy realm. People are different and the challenges (and stories) are off a different kind.
This companion offers guidance on what was not clear on the core game, answers questions that came out of the first playthroughs and adds some options for a more complete game, if you want.
The original game is NECESSARY to play, and can be found in Velouria, Bardic Duelling by Gabriel Kerr (itch.io)

All the myths are true. Monsters, faeries, and magic abound the land. Powerful mages have gathered to form the Order. Divided in different Schools, they plot and scheme for knowledge and power. They live with their faithful guardians and companions in isolated communities, where they research and conduct their mysterious business. You are neither of them. You are but a simple grunt, doing menial tasks at the Circle.

Terça à Noite
Nem toda grande famÃlia é formada por parentes. Hoje vamos para o outro lado, ver o que acontece na rua, quando saÃmos de nossa casinha suburbana e enfrentamos o inferno e o ceú da Zona Sul!
Terça à Noite é um complemento ao jogo Quinta à Noite, disponÃvel em Quinta à Noite by Alexander Sheep (itch.io). Seis novas ocupações vão colocar o seu jogo em um ambiente totalmente diferente!
Com a doação mÃnima de $2, você ainda leva duas novas ocupações para o jogo original: o aposentado e o chefe!

Harlequin & Friends
Are you a gamer who likes to improvise? An actor who likes to game? Comedia dell’Arte is an antique form of improvisational theater. RPGs are a contemporary structured improvisation game. This is both.
Play as one of the classic italian roles with your friends in this new story game. No funky dice involved! Play Harlequin & Friends!

Velouria, Bardic Duelling

Velouria, a Batalha dos Bardos

A Colônia
A Colônia é um jogo completo de aventura e exploração no estilo old-school, em um mundo pós-apocalipse mágico. Um cataclismo mágico acabou com a civilização e tudo que resta são sobreviventes nas cavernas ou mutantes no mundo exterior. Você se habilita para ser um explorador e buscar a sobrevivência nas ruÃnas do Velho Mundo?
Cenário completo com a cidade de Salvabrigo e suas facções. Regras completas baseadas em The Black Hack incluindo mutações.

Covens is a game about a coven of witches trying to survive in present-day small-town America. Players create a coven together, defining its character, powers, and relationship with society. Then, they create individual members, witches, servants, and familiars.